Aims of the society

To advance the scientific study of nutrition to promote appropriate strategies for the improvement of nutrition well-being.

To provide such facilities for members of the Society as may assist in furthering the aims of the Society.

In addition, the Society has the following subsidiary aims:

To stimulate the interest of members by holding lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions and by making awards for meritorious contributions to the science and practice of nutrition in Southern Africa.

To publish the proceedings of its scientific meetings as well as original contributions to the science and practice of nutrition, and such other matter as the Council shall from time to time consider suitable, by means of advertising in the press, circulars and/or the publications of books and periodicals. Papers published under the auspices of the Society must have prior approval of the Council.

The Nutrition Society will continue to play a role in disseminating scientific nutrition research to all its members, through the Journal, congresses and other meetings.