The Inaugural Meeting of this Society was held at Medical House, Johannesburg, on February 11th. Before the formal business began, some 50 persons interested in the formation of the Society met at dinner and three visiting American scientists, Drs J. Gordon, D. M. Hegsted and Martha Trulson, all of Harvard University and all experts in one or other branch of nutrition, were present. Prof. J. T. Irving, Chairman of the Steering Committee, presided. The Nutrition Society of Great Britain sent greetings to the new society and best wishes for continued success; several people who were unable to be present wrote sending good wishes. The Rules and By-Laws of the Society, which had previously been circulated for comment, were now unanimously agreed to and the Society was formally constituted. The following were appointed officers for 1957:

President: Dr F. W. Fox.
Chairman of Council.: Prof. J. T. Irving
Treasurer/Secretary: Dr J. M. Latsky.
Members of Council: Prof. J. F. Brock, Prof. D. G. Haylett. Dr A. W. Lategan. Dr W. A. Odendaal (alternate Prof. S. L. Kark), Dr M. M. Suzman.

It was unanimously agreed by acclamation that the three visiting American Scientists become the first honorary members of the Society.

After the formal business had been concluded, Dr Trulson gave an address entitled “Dietary Studies in Contrasting Populations.” Her talk was based on investigations she and her colleagues-had made in Peru. Surveys, dietary, economic and anthropometric had been carried out on children of various economic status and the results were ably and clearly presented from these various angles.

This subject is of particular importance here at present, as a nation-wide survey of this type is being planned and Dr. Trulson’s most interesting data provoked a long discussion of the problems and methods of surveys in general. More than sixty people attended the last part of the meeting and most of them have joined the Society.

Anyone interested in obtaining further information and who would like to become a member should get in touch with Dr J. M. Latsky, Department of Nutrition, Private Bag 170, Pretoria.

The rules state:

Membership of the Society shall be open to any: suitably qualified person whose work, in the opinion of the Council, may contribute to scientific knowledge of nutrition or to its application to the promotion of human or animal health.

While the Society itself has only one Annual General Meeting, when the President gives an address and formal business is transacted, provision exists in the rules for the formation of Regional Branches which, it is hoped, will he created in all the larger centres. These regional branches would meet frequently for the presentation of’ original papers and for symposia. It is anticipated that regional branches will be formed immediately in the Pretoria-Johannesburg area and in Cape Town.

Nutrition Society of Great Britain

The Nutrition Society of Great Britain will hold a symposium in Cambridge, England, on Friday and Saturday, 5th and 6th July, 1957, on Flour and Bread. The Chairman will he Sir Rudolph Peters.

April  1967

President:Prof E Symington
Chairperson:Ms M Theron
Hon Secretary:Dr B van der Westhuizen
Elect. Council Members:Prof Louise van den Berg
Dr A van Graan
Prof Hettie Schönfeldt
Prof Ashika Naicker
Dr H Kesa
Prof T van Zyl (Rep: Northern Branch)
Ms Malory Links-Jumat (Rep: Cape Branch)
Prof X Mkhize (Rep: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof CM Walsh
Chairperson:Prof E Symington
Hon Secretary:Dr A van Graan
Hon Treasurer:Prof MA Dhansay
Elect. Council Members:Dr A Oelofse
Mr G Tshitaudzi
Prof J Jerling
Dr W Oldewage-Theron
Dr B van der Westhuizen (Rep: Northern Branch)
Ms M Theron (Rep: Cape Branch)
Dr T Dlamuka (Rep: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof JM Pettifor
Chairperson:Prof HH Vorster
Hon Secretary:Prof PMN Kuzwayo
Hon Treasurer:Dr MR Sly
Elect. Council Members:Dr AJS Benade
Dr EC Albertse
Prof NP Steyn
Dr A Gresse
President:Prof HH Vorster
ChairmanDr A Gresse
Hon SecProf PMN Kuzwayo
Hon Treasurer:Dr MR Sly
Elect. Council Members:Prof JM Pettifor
Dr AJS Benade
Dr EC Albertse
Dr MH McLachlan
President:Prof J M Pettifor
Chairperson:Prof P M N Kuzwayo
Honorary Secretary:Prof E M W Maunder
Elect. Council Members:Dr M A Dhansay
Ms C Mgijima*
Mr E A Nesamvuni*
Prof D M Sanders
Prof H H Vorster
Dr P Wolmarans
*Due to the unfortunate resignation of Ms Cynthia Mgijima the Council co-opted Mr E A Nesamvuni on the basis that he had been nominated and had the next most number of votes.
President: Prof HH Vorster
Chairperson: Prof JC Jerling
Hon. Secretary: Dr W Oosthuizen
Elect. Council Members: Dr MA Dhansay
Dr P Wolmarans
Ms R Swart
Prof J M Pettifor
Dr CM Smuts*
Ms N Sayed*
*Due to amendments to the Constitution to allow representation of branches on Council these members are the elected Chairpersons of the three active branches viz. Northern, Eastern and Cape Branch.
President:Prof HH Vorster
Chairperson:Dr CM Smuts
Hon. Secretary:Dr W Oosthuizen
Elect. Council Members:Dr MA Dhansay
Dr P Wolmarans
Dr R Swart
Prof J Pettifor
Ms N Sayed
Prof J Jerling
President:Prof EC Swart
Chairperson:Prof CM Smuts
Hon. Secretary:Prof JC Jerling
Elect. Council Members:Dr MA Dhansay
Dr P Wolmarans
Prof PMN Kuzwayo
Prof J Pettifor
Ms N Sayed
Ms JN Matji
Dr L Bourne
President:Prof E C Swart
Chairperson:Dr J N Matji
Hon Sec/Treasurer:Prof C M Smuts
Elect. Council Members:Dr M A Dhansay
Prof HS Kruger
Prof PMN Kuzwayo (co-opted)
Dr PJ van Jaarsveld (co-opted)
Dr CM Walsh (co-opted)
Dr N Covic (Representative: North Branch)
Prof L T Bourne (Representative: Cape Branch)
Ms N Sayed (Representative: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof C M Smuts
Chairperson:Prof E C Swart
Hon Sec/Treasurer:Dr PJ van Jaarsveld
Elect. Council Members:Dr M A Dhansay
Dr C Napier
Ms N Sayed
Prof HS Kruger
Dr CM Walsh
Dr N Covic (Representative: North Branch)
Prof L T Bourne (Representative: Cape Branch)
Dr C Napier (Representative: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof C M Smuts
Chairperson:Dr PJ van Jaarsveld
Hon Sec/Treasurer:Ms N Sayed
Elect. Council Members:Dr M A Dhansay
Prof HS Kruger
Prof C Napier
Prof E C Swart
Dr CM Walsh
Dr Z White (Representative: North Branch)
Dr S Abel (Representative: Cape Branch)
Prof C Napier (Representative: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof MA Dhansay
Chairperson:Dr PJ van Jaarsveld
Hon Sec/Treasurer:Ms LP Spies
Elect. Council Members:Prof CM Walsh
Prof M Faber
Dr J Matji
Prof EC Swart
Ms E Symington (Rep: Northern Branch)
Dr S Abel (Rep: Cape Branch)
Ms C Crickmore (Rep: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof MA Dhansay
Chairperson:Prof CM Walsh
Hon Sec/TreasurerDr PJ van Jaarsveld
Elect. Council Members:Dr A van Graan
Prof M Faber
Ms C Crickmore
Dr C Napier
Ms E Symington (Rep: Northern Branch)
Dr S Abel (Rep: Cape Branch)
Ms T Dlamuka (Rep: Eastern Branch)
President:Prof CM Walsh
Chairperson:Dr E Symington
Hon Sec/Treasurer:Dr C Napier*/Dr A van Graan
Elect. Council Members:Prof MA Dhansay
Dr Andre Oelofse
Mr Gilbert Tshitaudzi
Ms B van der Westhuizen (Rep: Northern Branch)
Prof M Opperman (Rep: Cape Branch)
Ms T Dlamuka (Rep: Eastern Branch)
*Dr C Napier resigned in 2019.